My name is Srikanth Siddhu, a Game developer from India working on Games,on pc, mobile, VR applications and other such similar things, (:)) using Unity and Unreal Engine or whatever new tool/resource that is needed to get it done!
My Working Mind Set
I usually go in with Level 0 approach to any task, which gives me the flexiblity to attack it from all angles before coming out with optimal solutions.
And I usually like to say that There are multiple way to skin a cat.(no offense to any animals here). But at same time, searching on how any any problem is currently solved and keeping that as one of the way is always good place to start.
How I was Built
Though I had a engineering BG from Intrumentation and some work experience in oil industry ,I was always inclined towards computer and mostly how games where made.
Growing up I played a lot and random number games on my PC , sega system (duplicate) and my console ps1 and ps2. Some of my memorables games are Syphon Filter 2, Tony Hawks,Super Might final Fight, Double dragon ,Contra ,Age of Empire ,Test Drive 5 ,NF2 underground and many more. (No particular order though expect for the highlighted ones…).
I did develop an interest to make them too and curious on how it worked behind the scenes. Thought I wasn’t focused or easily dsitracted or was just a lazily teenager.
Fast forward after my stint at my first job, my itch to go back and learn stuff about making games grew so as my drive so I went did a diploma on Game programing to help me get started and from there has been working happily for 8 years from 2013.
What I Do
I enjoy randomly prototyping games, or a portion of it and tools to make them, learning a lot of Computer graphics, Math and
Engine programming, as I have plans (couple of years in planning stage) to make an Game Engine for study purposes and also looking at ways to improve my software architecture and programming skills.
Apart from that, I enjoy playing games , top one being DOTA 2, and the growing list of games(:)) in my Steam Library.
Messing around with my guitar is one other thing I squeeze in my schedule.
And of course, I enjoy sketching and coloring especially Anime characters and trying to improve on it.